Privacy statement

Grant Thornton Hungary respects your privacy and is committed to keeping your personal data, which it acquired through its online data system, secure and will not transfer it to any third party or use it for other purposes without your permission. As certain links of the company’s online data system direct to external websites, which are not directly related to our company, we do not assume any liability for data protection on these websites.

Grant Thornton Hungary undertakes to make every effort to ensure the protection of personal data and privacy of users of its website.

To prevent unauthorised access to the acquired personal data, their disclosure, accuracy loss and unintended use, we operate in accordance with appropriate technical and organisational data protection regulations. Grant Thornton Hungary cannot exclude the possibility of data misuse as Internet remains an unpredicted medium despite security measures and secure communication protocols.

Cookies and their use on our website

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that save website settings. Websites save cookies on the devices users use to access the Internet to identify them at a later stage and to save their settings.
Cookies enable websites to identify devices if users have already visited them; advance applications may use cookies to adjust individual settings. The storage of cookies is regulated only by the web browser used by the user. He or she may limit or deactivate the storage of cookies as required.

What purpose do cookies serve?

Cookies are vital in the provision of user-friendly online services; without them, the most common e-commerce services would be impossible. Cookies make the interaction between Internet users and websites faster and simpler. By using cookies, websites are able to remember user preferences, which makes browsing the Internet a more effective and pleasant experience.

There are numerous reasons to use cookies. They are used to store data regarding individual websites (details on website adjustments), support the provision of online services (e.g. webstores), help collect statistics on users, their habits, number of page views, etc. Thus helping us estimate the efficiency of our website.
For further information on the recommended and allowed use of cookies on our website, read the guidelines of the Slovene Information Officer under this link.

List of cookies on our website

Cookie name Duration Description
EuCookieLaw 1 year Stores user preferences
ASP.NET_SessionId Session duration User session identifier
Google Analytics
_utma 2 years Google Analytics
Records the distinction between users and sessions.
_utmb  30 minutes Google Analytics
Records a new session or a new user.
_utmz  6 months Google Analytics
Determines a traffic source or advertising action.
_utmc  Session duration Google Analytics
Records the visit duration.

The cookies used by our website do not collect personal data that would make it possible to personally identify you and cannot harm your computer, tablet or smartphone. Cookies support the functioning of our website and help us understand which pieces of information users find most useful.


By using this website, you agree that the website stores cookies on your computer or mobile device.
Managing and removing cookies

If you would like to change the way cookies are used by your web browser (incl. their blocking or removal), you may do so by appropriately changing its settings. Most web browsers allow users to accept or reject cookies, accept only a certain type of cookies or draw your attention to the fact that a website would like to store a cookie. You can also simply delete the cookies the web browser stored. If you change or delete the web browser’s file containing cookies or change or upgrade the web browser itself, you may need to disable cookies again. The manner in which cookies are managed or deleted differ from one web browser to another. If you require help to be able to do that, you can find additional information in the help section of your web browser.

To disable being tracked by Google Analytics, click here.

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